Escuelita gay bar nyc

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The lights were supplied with the pink bulbs that were typically used in funeral parlors to make the corpses look natural. The Regent East was down a few steps, and was loaded with hunting prints, club chairs, and had a piano in the back. It is the successor to The Regent East, which was at 204 East 58th Street, an address I committed to memory well before I had the nerve to walk in. The Townhouse is still there, although its restaurant has closed. No surprise, really the chain belonged to Lou Katz, enforcer for Roy Cohn and alleged killer of at least one of his own boyfriends. The Uncle Charlie's on 37th was involved in the Bronfman kidnapping. R7, Harry's Back East was at about 81st Street, making it an easy commute to Charlie's Uptown, at about 74th on Lexington.

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