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In 2012, Montana was cast as Johnny 'J.T.' Turturro in Graceland. Career Īfter graduating in 2006, Montana acted in a number of student films which eventually led him to guest star in single episodes of various television series. Marr is a life coach providing services digitally.The couple keeps their private life and their child away from the public. He is married to Adelfa Marr, with whom he has one child. He is a first generation Mexican-American. He worked as a DJ in the school's student-radio station, which landed him an intern position at Power 100.3. He transferred to California State University, Long Beach to major in Journalism and Broadcasting. After graduating from Jordan High School, Montana got a football scholarship to California State University Sacramento, but quit after an arm injury and dislocating his shoulder for the eighth time. Manny Montana was born and raised in Long Beach, California.

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